Sunday, was the first goodbye we had to say. Lauren and me have been friends since the end of sophomore year, although, if you were around us for any point in time, you'd think it was way longer. Lauren made me want to be a better person, the drive she has to succeed is almost intimidating. She is so motivated to do well in life and I know that nothing can stop this girl, not even some crazy virus she may pick up in Italy :) Just kidding, and knock on wood. Watching all the girls stomp in and out of the airport with tear-filled eyes and uneasy stomachs was so hard, watching your best friend go up the escalator looking down at all her friends and realizing it would be months till you saw her again, was even harder. Although, we did meet Trace Atkins? It lightened the mood, but didn't stop the tears. I miss Lauren so much, and it hasn't even been a week, but I know that she is having a BLAST in Italy and I am so excited to hear about all the adventures she has in New Hampshire and watch her shape into the amazing woman she will soon become.
As for the rest of the girls, Kori, leaves on saturday and Amy and Bree follow her up to Utah State Sunday. Mandy heads out sometime next week, Im not entirely sure when, but Im thinking about locking her in a closet to prevent the process. Taylor, Kayla and Britny are staying with me at Weber State, and I cant express how thankful I am that I will still have them here to distract me and keep me going. I honestly wish I could use words to describe how MUCH these girls really do mean to me, its actually quite frusterating that I cant. They are my wolfpack :) But like Mandy said, we have aquired these friendships that are SO unique and amazing, three months wont even phase the strength they have, I am convinced that through Skype (which is the coolest thing EVER), facebook, texts, phone calls (I will make the rounds daily, dont even doubt me) that staying in contact wont be a difficult process and hopefully the semester flys by fast for all of us, and before we know it, *Mexican Accent* Here we are again *End Mexican Accent*
After having two jobs all summer long I cant even tell you how WEIRD it is to have so much extra time on my hands? Although, sadly, I cant say I miss Target at ALL. I have been so much less stressed and so much easier to be around since I quit. The salon is going great, I read a book a week pretty much, but that isnt bad for my heath or anything. It will be nice when school starts and I can read ahead and stay on track with my classes, so sadly, I will switch out the Twilight series for textsbooks coming up next week.
I am excited for my life to take off as well. Even though I am "just going to Weber" it is a really fantastic university. I am excited to be a college student and persure my education! I refuse to start off on the wrong foot, so the girl who sits in the first two rows in every class, reads ahead and asks lots of questions? Yup, that'll be me. I rebelled all of highschool and it got me no where, but hardly graduating. Its time to buckle down and be serious about my education because I do plan on getting my bachlors degree, AT LEAST. Four more years of school, come to mama!
There is so much more to talk about, but another blog, another day, as for now I want all my friends to know they mean the absolute WORLD to me, and I am so excited to hear about everyones adventures!
"Through all the lies, the sad goodbyes,
The things we hide, the tears we've cried.
Through the odds and ends, we've been friends.
Though times have past, the memories last,
Remember, we will be friends forever!"