Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The day I have dreaded my entire life.

I was sitting at Brandon's house last night about to start some homework when I got a frantic call from my sister Tiffani. She told me that something had happened and I needed to get home as quick as I could. I knew at this instant that it was Grandpa. This was the moment I had dreaded my entire life. I somehow managed to mumble out the words "What happened?"and she calmly said that my Grandpa had fallen down the stairs outside and life-flight was on the way to my grandparents house.

I waited at Brandon's house for twenty long minutes waiting to know what hospital to go to. We were closer to the University of Utah hospital, so had he gone there it was smarter to stay and wait. Those minutes ticked by ever so slowly. Brandon's amazing mom came down in his room and comforted me until I got the call.

The rest seems like a blur. Like it wasn't even real. Just a dream.

We arrive at McKay Dee hospital and waited for out entire family to get there. Once our whole family was there the neurosurgeon came in to talk to us about my Grandpa's Cat Scan results. We didn't know what to expect at all. After he said the sentence "this is a life ending injury" the room went silent. No one expected that.

Due to the medication that my Grandpa was on, his blood doesn't clot. This prevents heart attacks and strokes but when it comes to cuts, it can get really serious because his body doesn't let him heal. When he fell, he hit his head really hard on the cement. He instantly got internal bleeding in his brain, and because of the medication he was on, he became instantly brain dead.

We had promised Grandpa we would never keep him alive if it had to be through a machine, and he would not of wanted it that way. He was a strong man and never wanted to rely on anyone but himself to stay alive. He has had a life long fear and passing away painfully, so this was a blessing in disguise.

After being assured that my Grandpa was not in any pain and had not even felt himself fall, we went in as individual families to see him. Then we went in as an entire family. His breathing tube was removed and his body allowed him to breath on his own. We then took turns kissing Grandpa goodbye and and whispering we loved him in his ear. My grandma kept saying "He is here with us, he can hear all of us." So we talked to him as if he was sleeping. The last person to say goodbye was the woman who was holding up better then all of us, my Grandma.

My Grandparents just celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary. The two of them met when my Grandma was 13 and my Grandpa was 19. Their love story is unlike any other I have ever heard, they showed deep love for each other every single day. They have the perfect fairytale. They have been inseparable their whole lives and will meet again soon.

After my Grandma kissed my Grandpa and whispered she loved him in his ear she said through small tears, "You can go now sweetheart, I'll be okay. Heavenly Father is ready for you." and moments after that he stopped breathing on his own and he was gone.

Early this morning, my role model was taken from me and returned to his home. My Grandpa was a giant impact on my life. My biological dad left my mom when she was pregnant with me and disappeared until I was about 17 years old when I chose to then seek him. In those 17 years, my Grandpa stepped up to the plate and become not only a grandfather but a father figure in my life as well. We lived with him for a short while when I was young and I still had the blessing of seeing him at least once a week ever since we moved out, 15 years ago. Our memories are irreplaceable along with our relationship. He was my best friend. I could talk to him about anything and he gave the worlds best advice, along with some sarcasm and humor. I will forever miss him. He was everything to me. I can not wait to make him proud and see him again soon. And yes Grandpa, you will always be the most important man in my life. Always. Just like I promised you eleven years ago. Rest in paradise, save me a good seat, I love you.

Special thanks to the love of my life, Brandon who has not left my side since this happened. He was with me all day when I had random break downs. He knows how to calm me down and help me cope. I could NOT of done this without him.

Thank you to everyone who has comforted me. Each and every text and call has helped me get through today. I love you all. Hug your loved ones close, because you never know what might happen.