Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall break :)

Wednesday: Sick to my STOMACH. Laid around all day, no I didn't go to my classes, and seriously laid there ALL day long. It was MISERABLE! Thankfully, by Thursday it was gone!

Thursday: I FINISHED MY 950 MATH CLASS! Woo!! This is a huge accomplishment for me! Although, I was stuck in "the hub" (computer lab where there are tutors and supervisors to make sure you aren't cheating on tests or see if you need help with anything) for FIVE AND A HALF HOURS, therefore, I was in no mood to really do anything that required any kind of strength on my part afterwards. At about 11, as I was laying in pure darkness in my room like a depressed fool, Chelsey comes BARGING in my room and declares we are doing something. So we rounded up Alex and Adam and went to the corn maze, which surprisingly led to a really fun night! Afterwards, we went to Alex's house and watched "The human Centipede" DON'T EVER WATCH IT. Seriously, the most disgusting thing I have EVER seen!

Friday: Worked :( But after I went to Nightmare on 13th! Which was pretty fun, not as good as the corn maze haunted wise, but it was still a blast to get out and have some fun! Spence and Casey came, it had been a while since I had seen them! It was fun :) Ended early, but still good!

Saturday: I worked AGAIN. (I'm being punished for taking 5 days off the following week) After work. I headed down to Alex's dorms for the night! I just hung out with him and his roommates and he put Word 11 on my laptop (its not even out yet, pro to dating a computer GEEK!) and then we watched Get him to the Greek, which got boring fast, had a nice little mack sesssshh, which was good, it had been a while :) I know you guys don't care, but things are REALLY amazing with us for once in a long time, and I am fully enjoying every minute of it!

Sunday: I did all the homework I had put off, caught up on some sleep, did some cleaning, some laundry and of course, watched Jersey Shore. Over all, fall break was real nice to me! :)

I always update at work, that's why my blog is not full of pictures and exciting things!

UNH IN 3 DAYS!!!!! Its all I can think about!! It hasn't hit me I get to see Lauren so soon, and I'm going to be able to see all these places she tells me about! Its crazy.. honestly, I'm so SCARED of flying, but once I'm on the plane, all is well and off I go!

On a more personal note: I'm doing a lot of self discovery lately. The more time I spend alone, the more I realize what I want to do with the rest of my life, and WHO I want to be. It is a good feeling to feel like I'm FINALLY figuring out things I have questioned for so long. Especially when it comes to Jan (dad shows FAR to much respect, so if you were curious, that's his name), things are finally I falling into place, I'm realizing why things have happened to me and how they helped make me who I am. Instead of having a negative outlook on them, I'm veiwing them as obstacles that weren't necessarily fair (but that's life) but I learned from them, meaning something good came from them, helping me move forward with my life. I want to be the best I can be for ME, and that doesn't require some of the things I thought it did before, I'm happy and I like where I'm going. In other words, LIFE IS GOOD! :)

BS: I miss ALL of you SO much! Im trying to see everyone as much as I can, although work and planning is hard.. Kori, Bree and Amy: Im coming up in a few weeks and we are doing dinner, and chilling, and sleepover and yeah, KAPEASH?! Ldawg: I SEE YOU IN 3 DAYS!!!! 3 DAYS1!! Mando: Your next on my hit list, checking my calanders! Little 12 hour drive never hurt anyone! :) Love you all SO SO MUCH!

Ps, I still break out the mexican accent every now and again, it will never die :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

just a little something. :)

Here's a rather large update so prepare yourself!
College: I'm doing well in my classes (EVEN ATTENDANCE), I'm almost done with my 950 math class, its all self pace and most students are on module 3, (each module has 5 sections and a quiz) I'm on module NINE out of ten! So rather then waiting until next semester to start 960, I'm just going to start this semester and its FREE! As far as my other classes, everything is going good and I'm staying on top of things. My theory is this, if you stay on top of things, college is far from overwhelming! Reading ahead, submitting assignments early, actually studying ECT.

WORK: As far as work goes, I'm only working twice a week and can do my homework at work, so it really is just a giant study seshhh for me, which is productive and good!

SCARIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE: If you follow me on Facebook, you would know my mom was in the hospital Tuesday night. She had some really bad chest pains and took herself to the ER after work. They ended up driving her across the street in an ambulance to the hospital and keeping her over night. They thought it was a high chance she may have HAD a minor heart attack and that there would be later repercussions. Heart disease runs in my family and has always been a very tramatic experiance for us, so hearing she was in the hospital crushed me and the worst part was, I was stuck at work until 10. Luckily, Chelsey came in and just sat with me and chatted with me to keep me distracted. Anyway, Rachel, Tiffani and I stayed with her for all hours of the night, just talking and making the most of a really scary situation. In the time that we were there, she got her blood drawn every hour, at least three shots an hour and her vitals were checked every 15 minutes. My mom kept saying she was "fine and felt like she could go the gym" but with how serious and frantic the nurses were, you could tell it was a lot more serious then that. After a long night, she was tested all day the next day on muliple levels of stress and endurance, and was FINALLY released at 6PM Wednesday night. She wasnt aloud to go to work Thursday or Friday, but is able to return Monday. She was told to exercise regularly and eat Cheeroes :) It shocked me how emtional I was over her being in the hospital. She was so strong and I was so proud of her for trying to make light of the situation, but she is all I have. Loosing her would be the end of my world, so it was a definite eye opener. Our bishop came and gave her a blessing that night, as much as I am stuck and confused on the aspect of religion as of lately, anything helped, and I was really appreciative with the comfort I was given after hearing the blessing. Whatever it was, it was amazing and helped all four of us calm down. She is back to normal and was doing dishes this morning, we laid around with the dogs all morning and watched Teen Mom and a few movies on On Demand in her bed. Its mornings like today that make me realize how much she truely means to me. We made a commitment to go to the gym TOGETHER at LEAST 3 times a week (which is the usual to me as of college) but she needs all the motivation she can get and Im more then happy to do what I can to make sure she stays healthy and alive, FOREVA! :)

Random: On a happier note, I have been branching out a little here and there! Me and Chelsey attended a party this weekend at a complete strangers house, and DOMINATED in beer pong! Chelsey drank for me, and I drove, so in the end everyone was happy! You'd think it would be awkward but between me and Chelsey that doesnt exisit and we were comfortable really quick! We also attended the Alumni game at good old Northridge, we lost in overtime and I blame the WEAK SAUCE they call a student section, PSH. 2010 was where its at, case closed!

I go to UNH in TWO WEEKS! Words DO NOT express how excited I am! I can't wait to go on a trip all by MYSELF and go see Lauren!! It will be a new adventure, all in one! Woo!

THE DAILY: Im still learning to cook! Which is actually really satisfying and neat, I love it! I am attending Zumba with Tiffani at least twice a week, and going to the gym by myself at least twice a week, the front desk now has my name memorized! :) Makes me feel productive! My sisters and I have a whole new friendship now that I am in college, not that we didnt before, but it has increased lately. We hang out together non-stop, watch random shows on TV and hover over our laptops looking up stupid YouTube videos, walk the dogs and just do random things together, (Ulta runs have been the main fav lately) its really fun and Im really enjoying it, I didnt realize they were so cool.. :) Hahah jk jk.

OCTOBER: I LOVE OCTOBER!! Haunted houses up the yangggg, scary movies, carving pumkins. halloween costumes and of course, THE HOWL! Wooooo!!

LIGHTBULB: Okay, okay, specific to the BS here, just an IDEA, but its a good one :) Two weekends ago Brandon Reese rented out the Vault in Ogden for his birthday and invited EVERYONE! IT WAS SICKK! Basically, a huge dance room, with lots of people! So just an idea, if anyone is intrested in everyone pitching in and throwing us a HUGE ASS DANCE PARTY when everyone returns from college for Christmas break?? Brandon said it was pretty cheap and I could look into it if everyone is intrested, because what better way to celebrate? We could invite anyone and EVERYONE and it could be a huge success if planned accordingly :)

This is insanely long to the point I had to label everything, so thats all for now, I miss and love all of you :)

Ps, it wont let me spellcheck, so sorry for the misspelled words :)